Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A letter to the tea party youth

Simply protesting President Obama for the stimulus bill or health care, and not understanding or refusing to understand the facts of how we got here is unconscionable and dangerous. Political and historical ignorance are not guiding lights for a political movement. This quote speaks to this point “taking many people who were not politically active — it is not uncommon to meet Tea Party advocates who say they have never voted — and turning them into a force that is rattling both parties as they look toward the midterm elections in the fall.”(ny times)

Proclaiming activism to protect her (95 % of the tea party is white) position of white privilege to fuel the divisions of economic injustice and racism in this country with no factual information in the name of patriotism needs to be addressed by her and the tea party movement! I challenge all new tea party youth to consider this point:

Who just crashed the economy and sent the middle class down the drain regardless of race? The white boy conservatives of the past ten years. The same people you front for under a new name with your ignorance or refusal to consider or understand the facts!

See chart below.

To perceive President Obama as the problem needs to be called for what it is - old school, racist, white protectionist politics. And if Ms. Carender can’t rap her mind around the history of this country in regards to the founding of it, with its racism and economic disparity, alive and well especially now, when the last 8 years have completely destroyed the middle class with its conservative agenda, lack of accountability, corporate greed and robbery.

She needs to stop stoking hate and making light of what you consider someone’s “supposed need”. Carender’s statement, “If you believe that it is absolutely moral to take my money and give it to someone else based on their supposed needs...” fuels a divisive us and them mentality, exposing the insulated bubble of privilege she resides within. I challenge her and all tea party youth to take a little time to educate themselves with some facts about where most tax dollars go, and about economic injustice in this country. A good place to start would be to consider that 63% of the budget goes to the industrial war complex. They may also want to ask themselves who is serving in the military and what

economic class they belong to. Who is dying in the two wars we are waging and who is profiting. It is difficult to discern if we are engaged in a war on terror or a war of greed.

for corporate interests.

Jenny Beth Martin, a national coordinator for Tea Party Patriots, “She’s not your typical conservative,” she said. “She’s an actress. She’s got a nose ring. I think it’s the thing that’s so amazing about our movement.” Now that’s deep, and definitely will change things? NOT! If the tea party youth really want to make a difference in evolving this country beyond the patriarchal corporate paradigm that is destroying the constitution and people of this country here and around the world, it would serve them to at least acknowledge how we got here, and speak truth to the power within their group instead of being stooges or fronting for greedy white corporate protectionist politics. Do they really know who and what they are supporting and what they stand for? Or, is it just the same old fear and hate, different day?


Quotes taken from NY Times article -Unlikely Activist Who Got to the Tea Party Early

By KATE ZERNIKE Published: February 27, 2010